Welcome to the
January 2008 Edition of
“Leadership: It’s All about TRUST.”
On-line Newsletter from Ellen Castro that Addresses
Leadership and
Life in Today’s 24/7 World
Happy 2008!
2007 was quite an “exciting” year for most and
it would seem 2008 will be packed with even more opportunities, discoveries and
success. I am blessed to travel the world, learn, coach, consult and get paid to reflect J.
Top 5 reflections and discoveries for 2007 are:
- To guarantee revenues, sales
and success, make and /or provide something the customer wants! Do
not compete with your customer, instead collaborate. Remember, everyone is your customer...gulp.
- Respect and listening are the
foundation for a reputation of trust and the ability to influence.
and say is significant. There is always
cause and effect. True greatness is the ability to discern
consequences before acting.
- Fear zaps precious energy.
- Allow others to be in the
limelight and shine...to take ownership for their work. If you can
not trust them, identify the root cause and address it. Is it them or is it you?
True leaders are conscious in every single moment in every single way.
Questions for Reflection
What are your “discoveries” for 2007?
What action(s) will you take to make your life and the
life of those you influence more inspired?
The choice is ALWAYS yours!
Please feel free to share this with a colleague or
friend. Your comments and thoughts are always appreciated … I am
always learning...J. Until
next time, choose
Ellen Castro is a bestselling author of Spirited Leadership … 52 Ways to Build Trust on the Job and Tortilla Soup for the Spirit. She
holds an EdM from
and an MBA from SMU where she currently
serves as an instructor for the
Ellen has the great fortune to coach, write, speak, consult and teach on three
continents and in seven countries. She has owned and managed her current
business since 1991 with all business opportunities through referrals. It’s all about TRUST and service!
Ellen’s intent and commitment is to do ALL the good
she can, for as many as she can, whenever she can.
She can be reached at 214.750.7718 or ellen@ellencastro.com. Please
visit www.EllenCastro.com.
Ellen Castro 2008. All rights reserved
worldwide. If this was forwarded to you and you want your own copy each
month, please email ellen@ellencastro.com with “Trust Subscribe” in the subject line. Your name will
never be sold or shared. If you prefer to unsubscribe, or received this
in error, reply with “Trust Unsubscribe” in the subject line.