Welcome to the February 2005 edition of  “Leadership:  It’s All About Trust.”

 An on-line newsletter from Ellen Castro that addresses

leadership in today’s ever changing world.



Today’s Leaders


Today’s leaders know …


·                    Trust is a must!

·                    Relationships are as important as the task.

·                    Actions have consequences.

·                    “Reality” is in the eye of the follower.

·                    Everybody wants to be a somebody.


Thus, today’s leaders …


·                    Are fully conscious and present to make choices that build trust, not destroy it.  There are NO neutral actions.

·                    Are totally engaged when interacting with others to gain understanding of THEIR needs, wants and frame of reference.  And then, ACT on that knowledge and on their behalf.

·                    Know that genuine kindness and respect speak far greater than credentials in building trusting, collaborative relationships.

·                    Take full accountability for their position and choose to be the anchor and buffer for their followers.  Blame is not in their vocabulary.

·                    Acknowledge EVERYONE for their contributions with simple acts of common courtesy and encouragement, as well as more formal recognition and support.


Leaders model respect in every single moment, in every single way.



Reality Check Questions


When you walk up to an associate, do they smile or grimace?


When you speak, do people listen or shut down?


When you present an idea, are there questions and a lively discussion or do eyes roll?


The choice is ALWAYS yours.



Feel free to share this with a colleague or friend.  Your comments and thoughts are always appreciated … I am always learning.  Until next time, choose wisely.


Ellen Castro is a bestselling author.  She holds an EdM from Harvard University and an MBA from SMU where she currently serves on the faculty of the Business Leadership Center.  In addition to Ellen’s writing, speaking, teaching and consulting, she is a REALTOR® for Coldwell Banker.  She can be reached at 214.750.7718 or ellen@ellencastro.com.


Ellen Castro 2005.  All rights reserved worldwide.  If this was forwarded to you and you want your own copy each month, please email ellen@ellencastro.com with “Trust Subscribe” in the subject line.  Your name will never be sold or shared.  If you prefer to unsubscribe, or received this in error, reply with “Trust Unsubscribe” in the subject line.

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