February 2010 Leadership: It’s All about TRUST.”

 An on-line newsletter from Ellen Castro

Research indicates that engaged people perform at higher levels. According to a Gallop poll, organizations with engaged individuals are:

  • 27% more likely to generate higher profits.
  • 56% more likely to build better customer loyalty.
  • 50% more likely to have lower turnover.

Are you happy being a leader?

More importantly, are your followers happy you are their leader?

It is crazy to expect a motivated and engaged workforce when no one is smiling, including you.

You set the tone in every single moment, in every single way.

Ellen is delighted to announce her uplifting People Smarts blog that offers practical tips, insights and reality checks. People Smarts is THE Advantage in business considering that emotional intelligence accounts for up to 69% of job performance success, while IQ is said to account for less than 6%. Please visit...


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Ellen Castro is a catalyst for trust and THRIVING.  Her first book, Spirited Leadership … 52 Ways to Build Trust on the Job is used by leaders globally to promote trust, teamwork and greater success.  Ellen holds an EdM from Harvard University and an MBA from SMU where she currently serves as an instructor for the Business Leadership Center.  Ellen is an executive coach and leadership consultant and speaker in 11 countries. 

For a copy of Ellen’s Success and Thriving Model and other practical tips and insights, please visit www.ellencastro.com. Ellen can be reached at 214-750-7718 or ellen@ellencastro.com.

Remember, the choice is always yours!

© 2010.  All rights reserved worldwide.  If this was forwarded to you and you want your own copy each month, please email ellen@ellencastro.com with “Trust Subscribe” in the subject line.  Your name will never be sold or shared. 

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