March 2010 “People Smarts: It’s All about TRUST.”
on-line newsletter from Ellen Castro Imagine an organization where everyone cares and can be
counted on. Imagine the delight of the customers and stakeholders. Imagine the
positive energy, innovation, productivity and results. It all begins with you! Do the interests of others supersede your personal
interests? Do you take accountability and do what is right regardless
of external pressures? Quite simply, people smarts in action. To be trusted, be committed
to the common good and live as though your life was your message. Luck, trust
and a pot of gold will be yours. Follow
Ellen’s People Smarts blog that offers practical tips, insights and
reality checks that improve your luck!
Go to Happy
St. Patrick’s Day! Feel free to share this with a
colleague or friend. Your feedback is always appreciated Ellen Castro is a catalyst for trust and THRIVING. Her first book, Spirited Leadership … 52 Ways to Build Trust on the Job is used by leaders
globally to promote trust, teamwork and greater success. Ellen holds an
EdM from For a copy of Ellen’s Success and Thriving Model and
other practical tips and insights, please visit Ellen can be reached
at 214-750-7718 or
Remember, the choice is
always yours! © 2010. All rights reserved worldwide. If this
was forwarded to you and you want your own copy each month, please email with “Trust
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