These groovy times are calling us all to move from surviving to thriving - to greatness! Greatness comes through people and with people. Regardless of the industry you are in the people business. It is the people who innovate the newest of technologies and products as well as provide world-class service. And lest we forget, our customers buy from people!

I want to share an epiphany that changed my life.

Imagine that everyone without exception is on your team for excellence and greatness. Yes, everyone!

Consider how this one simple change in mindset would impact your stress levels and communications. It did mine! My communications became more open, simpler and more effective. I smiled more. Their response was more open, less defensive and more collaborative. Trust created. Greatness inspired!

Let me apply this concept in practical terms since it took me a while to grasp it.

Consider the difficult employee who triggers your hot buttons by their sense of entitlement or their lack of work ethic and commitment, etc. Bet you can feel the pulsing tension rising within you. They are here to challenge what you will tolerate. These jewels are here to help you develop new skills in communication and accountability. They are on your team for greatness!

How about the difficult customer? One comes to mind I am sure. Bless their hearts. The most demanding customers spur us on to innovation and excellence - expanding our minds and skill sets. Without them we would become extinct like the dinosaurs. They are on your team for greatness!

Are you being micro-managed, feeling stifled? These wonderful souls are on your team for greatness, too. This experience will hopefully keep you from stifling your followers and colleagues. They teach us how to hold people accountable, not imprisoned. They could be teaching you to speak your truth assertively. Or because of their behavior they propel you to find more meaningful work. Micro-managers are on your team to greatness, too!

Life is a lot more entertaining and fun with this change in perspective. Go forth and increase your energy and productivity by trusting...

EVERYONE is on your team for greatness!

Find the learnings and grow!

Thank you for being on my greatness team J. My mission: TRUST AND GREATNESS. My passion: YOU!

I believe everyone needs energizing and uplifting, tools and solutions for today’s world where we are constantly bombarded by demands and unrealistic expectations. I want to be your energizer and up lifter to skyrocket your success.

Coming soon an enhanced website and much more as Ellen Castro,
Chief Energizing Officer and YOUR Greatness Coach.

Connect with Ellen today at 214-750-7718 or

Ellen Castro is a global trusted advisor to Fortune 500 companies and a leading executive coach. 100% of her business is through referral and repeat customers. Ellen always gives 200%!

Ellen holds an MEd from Harvard University and an BBA and MBA from SMU. Her first book, Spirited Leadership … 52 Ways to Build Trust on the Job is used by leaders around the world to inspire and energize GREATNESS!

2012.  All rights reserved worldwide.

Trust and greatness ALWAYS begins with you!

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