Welcome to the April 2006 edition of “Leadership: It’s All About Trust.” An
on-line newsletter from Ellen Castro
that addresses leadership in today’s ever changing
world. Today’s Leaders Perhaps today is a good day for a reality
check. People and organizations have a memory, at times long
and unforgiving. EVERYTHING a leader does either builds trust or
destroys it. There are NO neutral
actions. Leaders are thus accountable for their intentions and
actions and for those of their organizations. When a leader and /or their organization
have broken trust with their employees, customers or other stakeholders, they
can: û
Admit the mistake and
sincerely apologize. û
Seek resolution, genuinely
and without defensiveness. û
demonstrate their commitment to the relationship and to regaining
trust. Trust might be regained by being conscious and
delivering on their good intentions.
However, if trust is broken again, that potentially could be
irreparable. Trust is
a must for long term relationships. Long term relationships are a must for long term business growth and success. Today’s leaders choose right actions over short term
gain in every single moment, in every single way. Questions for Reflection When trust was broken with you, what were the
ramifications? Were the person and/or organization able to fully
regain/recover your trust and confidence? The choice is ALWAYS yours … choose
wisely. Feel free to share this with a colleague or
friend. Your comments and thoughts
are always appreciated … I am always learning. Until next time, choose wisely. Ellen
Castro is a bestselling author of Spirited Leadership … 52 Ways to Build Trust
on the Job. She holds an EdM
from Ellen
Castro 2006.
All rights reserved worldwide.
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