June 2010 People Smarts: It’s All about TRUST.”

 An on-line newsletter from Ellen Castro

Quite simply, this is not business as usual. Everyone is under pressure... the customer, the vendor, management and staff. From my observations, a majority of people are trying to be invisible and stay low. While it makes sense with the ever-increasing pressures and possibility of “right sizing,” it undermines productivity, innovation and achieving optimal results

Everyone needs encouragement in this “age of disillusionment” as coined by the NY Times.

Who can you encourage today?

  • Focus on what is going right with the business. Expand on that energy and play on the good... have fun again.
  • Say “thank you.” Let people know they matter. That includes your customer, your suppliers, your staff, your grocers J... everyone.
  • Be the source of positive energy and a smile. If you are wondering what is there to smile about, are you breathing?

Now is the time to be the encourager and bearer of good news.

Ellen’s new, Here and Happy... A Mental Fitness Workout, is the perfect remedy for today’s stressed workforce and for achieving success regardless of circumstances.

Happy Wednesday and glad you are reading this... thank you! Feel free to share this with a colleague or friend. 

Ellen Castro is a catalyst for trust and THRIVING.  Her first book, Spirited Leadership … 52 Ways to Build Trust on the Job is used by leaders globally to promote trust, teamwork and greater success.  Ellen holds an EdM from Harvard University and an MBA from SMU where she currently serves as an instructor for the Business Leadership Center.  Ellen is an executive coach, leadership consultant and speaker in 11 countries.

Follow Ellen’s People Smarts blog that offers practical tips, insights and reality checks that improve your attitude and success!  Go to http://trustellen.blogspot.com/

For a copy of Ellen’s Success and Thriving Model and other practical tips and insights, please visit www.ellencastro.com. Ellen can be reached at 214-750-7718 or ellen@ellencastro.com.

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