July 2010 People Smarts: It’s All about TRUST

 An on-line newsletter from Ellen Castro

“EVERYONE is stressed!” Sound familiar?

In times of stress, managers tend to be more controlling - to take charge. This can be perceived as micro-managing. Micro-managing creates more stress for the staff and decreases their motivation and engagement.

Signs that you could be micro-managing include:

  • You are talking more than you are listening.
  • You are telling “how,” not “what.”
  • You are deep diving into the details even with your experienced and trusted employees and colleagues.
  • You need to have the last word.
  • There is duplication of efforts.

Now is the time to lead, motivate and delegate – to TRUST. You are far more influential than you think.

Questions for Reflection

  • Remember a time when you were being micro-managed. How did it make your feel? What were the results?
  • Is my coaching really micro-managing?

Engage Ellen to motivate and re-energize your staff. Her highly interactive programs - such as Communicate to Motivate - are practical, fun and inspiring.  

Follow Ellen’s People Smarts blog. It provides tips, insights and reality checks that maximize your skills and success!  Go to http://trustellen.blogspot.com/.

Free Resource. Visit www.ellencastro.com to download Ellen’s Success and Thriving Model. She can be reached at 214-750-7718 or ellen@ellencastro.com.

Ellen Castro is a global trusted advisor for Fortune 500 companies and a people smarts coach to thousands for achieving more success with less stress. Her first book, Spirited Leadership … 52 Ways to Build Trust on the Job is used by leaders around the world to promote trust, teamwork and innovation. Ellen holds an MEd from Harvard University and an MBA from SMU where she currently serves as an instructor for the Business Leadership Center.

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