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IT ALL MATTERS - February 2018
What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into others. Pericles
Intentionally or not, we are living and leaving our legacy in every moment.
A recent engagement solidified what I know to be true based on my early career experiences and 30+ years of intervention consulting and coaching. Half-truths and forgotten promises impact our credibility and trust quotient. Without trust, we cannot lead. Trust is in the balance with every action or non-action. Everything either adds to our credibility or destroys it.
It ALL Matters.
Every word we speak matters.
Words are containers of power,
you choose what kind of power they carry. Joyce Meyers
Every thought we think matters.
We either make ourselves miserable
or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same. Carlos Castaneda
Every commitment we make matters.
As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say,
I just watch what they do.
Andrew Carnegie
Every emotion we feel matters.
Perhaps one has to become very old before one learns how to be amused rather than offended. Pearl S. Buck Every interaction we have matters.
When wealth is lost, nothing is lost.
When health is lost, something is lost.
When character is lost, all is lost. Billy Graham
We are always teaching.
What are you teaching the world? Kid President
Coaching Moments
Reflect on recent initiatives, have they been met with excitement and traction or rolling of the eyes and forgotten? The answer matters.
Life is for learning. We can always improve. Identify and follow through on 3 actions you will start taking or stop entirely to become your better self - a leader of choice.
He who conquers himself is truly strong. Lao Tzu
Thank you SO VERY MUCH. You have given me something that has helped me in so many aspects of my life.
MICHAEL HAMPTON, General Manager Via Real
Hire for the heart of a leader. The rest is teachable. Ellen’s leadership programs and coaching are reality-based and transformational. Contact Ellen today at 214.207.7718 or

Got a frozen middle management? Get de-thawed with Ellen’s keynote and program:
Spirited Leadership.
Need a reality check as to your trust quotient and credibility? Ellen’s award-winning and best-selling book, Spirited Leadership: 52 Ways to Build Trust, provides it.
Leadership begins within. Begin the journey. Ellen’s 2016 International Latino Book Award Winner, Happy in Spite of People, lights the path.

It's All About Trust.™
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