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Leading 101
Too often we underestimate the power of a smile,
a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment
or the smallest act of caring,
all of which have the potential to turn a life around. Leo Buscaglia
We all have the capacity to be leaders. It does not take a title or position. Leaders are leaders because they have willing, engaged followers.
When you turn around, is anyone there?
That is our first clue as a leader. We are always receiving feedback.
When you approach, do people smile or grimace?
When you speak, do people listen or text?
We tend to forget in our high-tech demanding environment that everything communicates. We are so focused on our devices we forget the individuals around us. We forget we are always on stage. Evidence is in our actions. In fact:
Everything we do either builds our credibility or destroys it.
Everything we do either builds someone’s self-esteem or destroys it.
Everything we do either creates a bigger team or creates isolation.
There are no neutral actions – zippo, zilch. Our reputation precedes us and proceeds us. People and organizations have long, and at times, unforgiving memories.
Do people feel like heroes or zeroes in your presence?
The answer matters.
We are always having an unconscious conversation with others. The emotional noise we create impacts both our ability to lead and our destiny.
A little consideration, a little thought for others,
makes all the difference. Winnie-the-Pooh
People savvy trumps tech savvy in creating cultures of trust and high engagement – to be a leader of choice.
Relational capital is our greatest asset
in business and in life.
Coaching Moments
Are you wealthy in relational capital? List the people who would follow you anywhere at any time.
Does your definition of success benefit others?
We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give. Sir Winston Churchill

The right advice at the right time can be the difference between floundering and success. Need the right advice for success? Contact Ellen today at 214.207.7718 or

Trust is the currency of today’s business leaders. Learn to foster effective communications - based on trust - to generate exceptional outcomes and innovative solutions with Ellen’s award-winning and best-selling book, Spirited Leadership: 52 Ways to Build Trust.
Get better results with less drama. Ellen’s 2016 International Latino Book Award Winner, Happy in Spite of People, shows you how.
You are the smile someone needs.

I am stronger and better because of you.
Inna Kizenkova, VP Global Supplier Management EMEA Carlson Wagon Travel
It's All About Trust.™
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