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Igniting Greatness

You Matter to Me

The Harvard School of Public Health stated that in 2020,
the leading cause of death and disability
will be heart disease and severe depression.
In 1990, it was respiratory infections and diarrheal disease.

You matter to me. These four simple words said with sincerity, kindness and compassion could save a life.
Different researchers concluded that in the US,
the average age for the onset of depression was 27.
Today it is 14 years old.

Sobering statistics. Each of us can make a difference in our everyday actions and communications. Everything counts in making someone feel valued and important. Let’s put our devices down. Let’s look at people and acknowledge her or his presence. Let’s hear what is not being said. I hear a lot of managers tell me they can multi-task. Perhaps you can, however, by not putting your device down you send a clear message, “You are not important enough to receive my full attention.”

How do you feel when someone continues
to look at their devices
instead of giving you their undivided attention?

People are still in shock with the suicides of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain. They had it all. What were they thinking? Their thoughts were terrifying. When you are in the throes of feeling absolute darkness and despair, all you want is out from the pain, deep sadness and devastating sense of hopelessness. I get it based on my personal struggles with depression and a family history of suicide. By grace and better choices, I’ve broken the curse. I’m simply quirky now.

When you notice someone is having a difficult time make the difference by saying with kindness and compassion:

You matter.

You matter to me.

You’ve survived 100% of your worst days. I believe in you.

You can do this. How can I help?

You are the smile someone needs. I need it.
I need you here.
It’s all going to be okay.

Knowing someone is at your side, that you matter and it’s all going to be okay gives her/him the much-needed ray of light and hope.

In today’s world of it’s never enough, let’s take time to express every day in our words and deeds:

You matter to me.

Just in case no one has informed you recently, please consider this your official notification.

You are amazing, awesome and one-of-a-kind!

Coaching Moments

Deliberately give your devices a rest this week. Greet everyone with a smile. Listen to what is not being said. Consciously choose to make all your communications expressly or implicitly imply “you matter to me.”

Is there someone that comes to mind that needs to hear, “You matter to me.”? Please do it now.

I see you.

Ellen can help you reenergize and reengage your workforce and you. Contact Ellen today at 214.207.7718 or

Get Results

Understand the impact you make and make it better with Ellen’s award-winning and best-selling book, Spirited Leadership: 52 Ways to Build Trust.

Understand the subtle ways to make different “cats” feel that they matter with Ellen’s 2016 International Latino Book Award Winner, Happy in Spite of People, shows you how.

You matter to me.

Voyage Dallas


When I first saw Ellen, she mentioned in class telling someone “You Matter to Me” can go along way. As I’ve begun implementing that practice at home and at work the results have been tremendous!

Jeffrey Drake, Government Shipping Manager, Aviall Services, Inc. – A Boeing Company

It's All About Trust.™

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PO Box 12188, Dallas TX 75225 USA • 214-207-7718