Women, Adjust Your Jockstrap

Adjust to Adapt

It is foolish to resist change and reality. It is what it is. I learned that the smart play is to shift and adjust our viewpoint. In an instant, what was a problem becomes a challenge. Challenges make us stronger and force us to be the best of who we are. The situations become opportunities to develop strength, leadership skills and stamina for the next level of play.

By adjusting our perspective from problem and unfair to opportunity and growth, we get to engage in life, not judge it. The “shoulds” become, “How could I make ‘this’ better?” With an adjustment in mindset, we can adapt and embrace reality to become powerful, positive change agents at work, in life and in the world!

This concept of adjust and adapt is the premise of my newest book. I am thrilled to announce it has been published and is now available on Amazon! The book is entitled Women, Adjust Your Jockstrap: The Uncensored Playbook to Win at Work and in Life. Though written for women, everyone can benefit. We all have the power to change reality and the game. You can score BIG with my game-changing down-to-earth pragmatic Playbook for career advancement and a fulfilling life. Adjust Your Jockstrap is about taking 100% accountability for your choices and career. Take your life off autopilot with self-awareness and self-understanding that sparks new choices and actions. Unpack engrained societal patterns, cultural myths, outdated biases and invisible barriers, including the ones in your own mind. Gain the home field advantage by defeating your inner trash talk that keeps striking you out. And you’ll learn to call fouls on culturally mind-made conditioning with a smile.

I’ve written 225 raw insights and no-nonsense Practices from my experiences as a woman executive in corporate America. These Practices help you own your power and own the playing field – not just level it – as it has already for countless women and men worldwide. Let my pain help you and everyone who feels at a disadvantage at work or in life. While Adjust can be a quick read, the Practices require thought and daily heavy lifting to change the game.

The Major League Baseball season begins today. Losing streaks have been wiped clean. It’s a new season filled with possibility. Batter up! If you are willing to do the work, get your copy today of Adjust.

If you know of anyone who is struggling or in a slump, please consider getting the individual a copy of Adjust. Encourage the person to contact me at Ellen@EllenCastro.com. Delighted to have a chat to help adjust her/his focus from a problem to an opportunity.

This offer to change the game is for you, too. I’ve got your back!

Ellen Castro, Chief Energizing Officer, trusted coach and business advisor, life-changing speaker and empowering author inspires you to create more success and greater fulfillment with less stress. Each underline/hyperlink goes to page if clicked: CEO to bio, coach to coach, business advisor to consulting, speaker to speaker, author to writing.

Your success is my focus.
You are meant to thrive!

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