Do you need executive presence? Are you being passed up for promotions? Has your company been acquired and you’re worried? Do you have a manager from hell? Are you feeling unfulfilled?
Ellen is the coach for you!

Ready to Expand Your Influence?

Across industries and continents, Ellen has assisted countless executives, managers, professionals and future leaders build a better brand, navigate politics, counter oppressive bosses, own their truth and explore the possibilities to fully realize their potential—to achieve their goals and dreams, both in business and in life.

Ellen rocks at helping you become aware of what beliefs and behaviors are in the way of your success and happiness.

You can’t change what you are not aware of.

With Ellen’s caring on-point feedback, self-awareness is possible. Your self-awareness and self-reflection coupled with Ellen’s insights and wisdom will help you achieve self-mastery, greater influence and more success.

Think bigger, think bolder with Ellen.

With Ellen as your coach and safe haven, you get a trusted advisor and advocate – a cheerleader and a partner. Activate your dreams. Own your place at the table. Be happy, comfortable and confident in any boardroom or situation.

I’ve got your back!

Connect with Ellen today to explore the possibilities and options. Your coaching could be one meeting, a phone call or a customized on-demand coaching package. It’s all about you!

Ellen’s warmth, wisdom and contagious spirit has been the game changer to a myriad of individuals. She wants to be your game changer.

Your insights and wisdom are invaluable to me. Because of your support and pragmatic tips, I made it through the acquisition process whole. Penny, Retail Technology
You save lives, too.
Homero, M.D.

You are truly helping me see beyond my own perceptions and blinders. Your honesty and unfiltered observations are so valuable to me. You are helping me grow.
Janis, Continuous Improvement

Ellen, I cannot thank you enough for your belief in me. Not only did I get promoted to manager, I believe I can go even higher.
Santiago, Warehousing

You taught me to pull up a chair to the table instead of waiting to be asked. Thank you for lending me your strength.
Dawn, High Tech

You have no idea how much you helped me through a rough transition from the military to corporate life. I’m extremely grateful for you. You are the best-est.
Matt, Defense

I am truly blessed hat you have come into my life. I’m grateful and very appreciative of all the advice, encouragement and constructive feedback – always being up front so I can be my better self.
Vanessa, Commercial Sales

Thank you for helping me realize my untapped potential.
Han, Hospitality Management

You wear a cape for me. You inspired me to go back to college and pursue my life-long dream.
Derrick, College Student

Your spirit energizes me and gives me the strength to face any obstacle.
Ygnacia, HR

We got this!

Be who God meant you to be, and you will set the world on fire.
St. Catherine of Siena

“Our inner work creates
outer results.

The choices we make matter.

What will you show the
world is possible?”

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