Be A Hero
In today’s world of uncertainty and doomsday, people need heroes. Why not us? We don’t have to be a Captain America or a Wonder Woman. We do need to care about others and the common good. We do need to be role models of credibility, compassion and cooperation. We do need to call out the potential in everyone we meet. We do need to stop and truly listen with all our senses. We do need to give reassurance that there is hope and that there is a future.
Let’s wear our capes. Let’s knockout the general sense of malaise plaguing most today. You get to choose what color cape you will don. What I know for sure, by being someone’s hero, life is brighter regardless of our own circumstances.
Additional cape essentials include:
• Choosing to be grateful, not grumpy, about life.
• Greeting everyone with a sincere smile that says: “I see you. You matter.”
• Taking the time to check in with others. Being a sounding board that cares and offers help with attitude that implies: “You are not alone. We’re in this together.”
• Giving encouragement, praise and positive feedback. Taking time to call out potential and greatness. Saying, “Please.” and “Thank you!”
• Listening more and speaking less. Being present and allowing for authentic, meaningful dialogues.
• Exhibiting humility, having a sense of humor and projecting inside out confidence.
• Remembering to respond and not react to the craziness that we all exhibit at times. Taking the high road knowing it is the best road.
• Having an optimistic, constructive mindset that focuses on the possibilities and opportunities rather than the problems and seemingly endless obstacles.
• Believing and declaring the future is bright.
• Smiling more. Smiling is good for the body, mind and soul.
Life is wonderful. God is good. We can all be heroes to someone. All the above attitudes and actions don’t take money, credentials nor power and position. They do take courage and a heart of service and kindness.
to be the hope and the light.
That cape looks good on you!
If you need a sounding board or need to be reminded how remarkable you are or need to borrow strength, I’ve got your back. We’re in this together! Big love!
May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you.
May the Lord show you His favor and give you peace.
Numbers 6:24-26
Ellen Castro, Chief Energizing Officer, trusted coach and business advisor, life-changing speaker and empowering author inspires you to create more success and greater fulfillment with less stress. Each underline/hyperlink goes to page if clicked: CEO to bio, coach to coach, business advisor to consulting, speaker to speaker, author to writing.
Your success is my focus.
You are meant to thrive!