It’s all about TRUST™

Spirited Leadership: 52 Ways to Build Trust is a classic in the fields of business, trust and leadership. This workbook shows you how to:
- Identify your mission and purpose.
- Live from your values to be a values driven leader.
- Create trust and followership in a skeptical world.
- Improve your communications and impact, and exude executive presence.
- Strengthen your personal brand to excel in your career.
Live energized and empowered with inside-out confidence. Build your leadership muscle and emotional stamina to be resilient in these intense and unpredictable times. Experience the passion and purpose that made Spirited Leadership: 52 Ways to Build Trust a global best-seller, now in its 4th edition. The 3rd edition received an International Latino Book Award.
“Spirited Leadership is a must-read for anyone who wants to live according to values.” — Ken Blanchard, co-author of The One Minute Manager
Spirited Leadership is your uplifting real-world toolkit for staying competitive and relevant – to living on purpose and fulfilled. This classic will show you how to ignite and harness the power that lies within to navigate the ever-changing world. Learn to skyrocket to success with trust – the most important currency for leaders in the Digital Age. Practical, clear, concise and chock-full of earned wisdom, this workbook is perfect for individuals and teams wanting to increase their emotional intelligence and relational capital by providing leadership skills that motivate and inspire excellence in others through example.
The 52 Ways and choices equip you to use obstacles for breakthroughs — not breakdowns. The 52 Ways success framework did just that for the author, Ellen Castro. What some would call beating her head on the glass ceiling at an oil company in the mid-1980s was really the devastating, demoralizing experience of losing her soul at work. That experience was her launching pad for sharing with others the way to get off the exhausting treadmill of “never enough” and onto an energizing, amazing path of happiness and meaningful success. You can, too, with Spirited Leadership!
“…stunning in its clarity and simplicity. It is profound in its insight into the essence of leadership.”
—Dr. Linda O’Neal, Center for Creative Leadership
Book Excerpts
“Show Compassion. Compassion in the workplace? Absolutely! It gives a competitive advantage and is needed more than ever today. There is enough “craziness” out there.”
“Think Before You Speak and Act. The role of a servant leadership is a privilege, a responsibility and an honor. A spirited leader is aware that every word and action has the power either to uplift and energize or deplete and squelch enthusiasm.”
“Thrive on Accountability. If a communication goes awry, they reflect, ‘Did I make assumptions? What was the intent of my communication — to correct or criticize? Should I have picked up the phone instead of sending a quick text?’”
Ellen’s Five Tips for Being a Spirited Leader are:
1. Change your thoughts, change your world.
2. We are our choices.
3. Live consciously.
4. Re-define failure.
5. It’s all about TRUST™
First seen in her Dallas Morning News column.
Spirited Leadership in the Media
“Leadership” television interview, Mornings with Lorri and Larry.

Watch the Full Interview:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
“You add value wherever you go, Ellen.”
Don Bennett, CEO, Superior Optimization Ltd.
“You are truly helping me see beyond my own perceptions and blinders. Your honesty and unfiltered observations are invaluable.”
Janis Lizardi, Director, Boeing Global Services
“I have faith in the work you do.”
David Biel, Managing Partner, Deloitte