I Need You

Great leaders are credible, compassionate and create connections with everyone they meet. With their compassion and ability to make connections of the heart they give everyone the gift of significance. The feeling of significance is the lifeline for individuals struggling in today’s topsy turvy world. A feeling of significance, “I need you,” is a lifeline for those struggling with depression and thoughts of suicide.

Boston University of Public Health recently published that since the outbreak, the number of people dealing with symptoms of depression has almost tripled. Prior to our health and economic threat, The Harvard School of Public Health stated that in 2020, the leading cause of death and disability would be heart disease and severe depression. Take a deep breath.

Now more than ever, we need to be leaders. Let’s tune into our colleagues, family, friends and others. We need to help those struggling feel the love, the connection and their significance. “I need you.” Three simple, powerful words, can save a person’s life – give hope and a future. These three words spoken to me at my darkest times kept me on this planet. Depression and mental illness run in my family.

If you know or sense someone is struggling with loss, depression, feeling isolated or possibly extinct, be their miracle today. If you are at loss for the words, any or all of the sentences below could help greatly.
“I need you. You matter to me.
You’ve already survived 100% of your worst days.
You can do this. You’ve bounced back before; you’ll do it again.
I believe in you. How can I help?

I need you here. It’s all going to be okay. We’ll figure it out.”

The holidays tend to ramp up stress and depression, let’s be extra mindful of those around us. If you need hope and help, reach out to someone, including me 214.207.7718. There is no shame in asking. In fact, it is a sign of courage. We all need help on this wondrous journey.

Let’s all be thankful this Thanksgiving, a USA holiday, regardless of where you live in the world. Let’s focus and be grateful for everything that is good and right in our lives. Are you breathing? Be grateful. Do you have food? Be grateful. Do you have someone who makes/made a positive impact on your life? Reach out to them. Trust me, it’ll make their day.

I am grateful for each of you. You give me hope. The Prayer by Celine Dion’s and Andrea Bocelli’s, expresses my sincerest desire for you today and every day.

Stay safe. You are needed. You are loved.

Ellen Castro, Chief Energizing Officer, trusted coach and business advisor, life-changing speaker and empowering author inspires you to create more success and greater fulfillment with less stress. Each underline/hyperlink goes to page if clicked: CEO to bio, coach to coach, business advisor to consulting, speaker to speaker, author to writing.

Your success is my focus.
You are meant to thrive!

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